Step 2: Set-up Your Blog

Let's get started with your new Blogger blog!

Now that you have your Gmail address (, now it's time to set up a Blogger account.

Go to

You may get a screen like this:

Or this:

Enter your data and sign in or continue.

If a page pops up that says Dashboard, click on the icon that says Create A Blog. A page that looks like this will open:

1. Name your blog

Blog titleThis is the name that will appear at the top of your blog in the Title area. If you already have a vision for your blog and have name in mind, great! Type that in.

If you don't, start off with something generic like
A New Blog For <>

You can change this later.

Blog address - This is where your blog will live in cyberspace. URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. (If you care to read about it and be bored to techno-tears, click HERE.)

The white box is preceded by http:// and has at the end, so all you need to type in that box is a name that is unique to Blogger.  And it HAS to be unique - that's why you see a Check Availability link.

If you have a vision and a name in mind, try that. Just remember that this is a permanent address. You can't change it later, so if you name it something really specific like "" then your followers are going to expect posts about your dog.

If you don't have a name in mind, something to consider is using your first and last name. You will forever have the address "" to use for anything you want (dog posts, recipes, Facebook rants, etc).

Type in your blog address (NO spacess) and click Check Availability

If that address is available, GREAT!
If the address isn't available, try again until you find something that works for you.

Type in the word verification and click continue

2. Choose A Template

Now you enter the design phase, which could take the rest of your life. And I'm not kidding. For now, put your cursor over Picture Window (This is the best template to start with because the design works with the fancier templates you'll want to try later in Step 6.)

Click on the orange Apply to Blog in the upper right corner (not visible in this image).
Click on the link to the left that says Back to Blogger

You now have a basic blog set-up, and you're ready to go!
Click the blue Preview icon and take a look!

Back to your blog editor. Underneath the name of your blog, you'll see a row of tabs. The first one says Posting and it will take you to the page where you can create your very first post!

But let's set up your profile first... Step 3